Vanilla Wafer Crust

Vanilla Wafer Crust

So, if you’ve followed this blog, at all, you’ll recognize this as a variation on a theme.  My philosophy is, “if something works, stay with it.”  I’m nothing if not loyal, and cookie crusts are definitely working for me.

Vanilla Wafer Crust

Crush and 11 ounce box of cookies to make 2 cups crumbs.

Crush and 11 ounce box of cookies to make 2 cups crumbs.

Melt 6 tablespoons butter in a pie plate.

Melt 6 tablespoons butter in a pie plate.

Swirl the butter around to coat all sides.

Swirl the butter around to coat all sides.

Mix crumbs with butter.

Mix crumbs with butter.

Press into bottom and up sides of pie plate.

Press into bottom and up sides of pie plate.

Fill with something DELICIOUS!

Fill with something DELICIOUS!

Vanilla Wafer Crust
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  1. 11 ounce box Vanilla Wafer cookies (2 ½ cups crumbs)
  2. 6 tablespoons butter
  1. Crush the cookies.
  2. Melt butter in a pie plate, then swirl it around the plate to make sure the sides are greased.
  3. Mix crumbs with melted butter, and press into the bottom and sides of the pan.
  4. Chill to set.
White Apron Blog
Vanilla Wafer Crust